

"I laughed. I cried. They helped me get my groove back"- Giovanni Torre




The NarrowBacks are:

Kevin McKeon, Michael McKeon, Pat Cronin and Thomas McKeon


Oct 30, 2004

The Bitter End - 441 Clement - 9pm

Overlord Halloween Show 2004!

Dress Up.Show Up. Drink Up.Throw Up.

March 14, 2004
Temple Bar 1475 Polk - 3pm
March 7, 2004
Blackthorne - 4pm
April 28, 2001
Blackthorn Tavern - 834 Irving, SF
The Narrowbacks are coming to a dive bar near you in 2004. Check out the new and improved MESSAGE BOARD.

If you would like to be added to the NarrowBack email list, send your name and email address to info@narrowback.com


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"You play that shit again and I'll bust that guitar over your head"- Patron, Playland

"I'm glad they finally moved out of the house"- Mrs. McKeon


"Of all the bands I've seen, they are certainly one of them"- anonymous spud

"I've been trying and trying. What do I have to do to get a quote up on the web site?"- Con Lucey

"I know all the words to every AC/DC song...except that one." -Mark "Higgy Baby" Higgins when asked to just sing the letters "TNT"


"At the beginning I didn't like it, but after a while I hated it."-John "Cottonhead" Teahan


-Mike trying to sing into a microphone that's turned off


"Da hell?! " -Dan Foley

"Play that song that goes 'da da di da' or something like that" -Email request