"I laughed. I cried. They helped me get my groove
back"- Giovanni Torre
The NarrowBacks are: Kevin McKeon, Michael McKeon, Pat Cronin and Thomas McKeon
"You play that shit again and I'll bust that guitar over your head"- Patron, Playland |
"I'm glad they finally moved out of the
house"- Mrs. McKeon
"Of all the bands I've seen, they are certainly one of them"- anonymous spud |
"I've been trying and trying. What do I have to do to get a quote up on the web site?"- Con Lucey |
"I know all the words to every AC/DC song...except that one." -Mark "Higgy Baby" Higgins when asked to just sing the letters "TNT"
"At the beginning I didn't like it, but after a while I hated it."-John "Cottonhead" Teahan |
"..." -Mike trying to sing into a microphone that's turned off
"Da hell?! " -Dan Foley |
"Play that song that goes 'da da di da' or something like that" -Email request